# Knowing your job efficiency ## [XDMoD.mines.edu](https://xdmod.mines.edu) - Management capabilities - Monitoring standard metrics: utilization - Metrics designed to identify underperforming systems hardware and software - Reporting job level performance data for every job running on the HPC - A tool to effectively and efficiently use an allocations and optimize HPC resources - Ability to monitor, diagnose, and tune system performance and measure the performance of all applications running - Easily obtain detailed analysis of application performance to aid in optimizing code performance - A diagnostic tool to facilitate HPC planning and analysis - Metrics to help measure scientific impact. - Analyses of the operational characteristics of the HPC environment can be carried out at different levels of granularity - job, user, or on a system-wide basis. ### Using the Efficiency Tab ![XDMoD job efficiency System Wide Report](/_static/xdmod_screenshot_job_efficiency.png) ## SLURM command 'seff' Using the SLURM build-in command `seff $JOBID` ```` Job ID: xxxxxxx Arrage Job ID: xxxxxx_0 Cluster: wendian User/Group: username/usergroup State: COMPLETE (exit code 0) Nodes: 2 Cores per node: 4 CPU Utilized: 00:05:51 CPU Efficiency: 23.21% of 00:25:12 core-walltime Job Wall-clock time: 00:03:09 Memory Utilized: 973.22 MB (estimated maximum) Memory Efficiency: 6.76% of 14.06 GB (1.76 GB/core) ```` ## Selecting Job ID in XDMoD.mines.edu Output detailed information on accounting data, job script, executable, and metrics ### Example of Rscript using 3-nodes ![XDMoD job efficiency an Rscript](/_static/xdmod_screenshot_rscript.png) A 3-node job where all nodes have work for the first three hours, then each node runs out of work and because an unbalance workload across the 3-node job. The total CPU Efficiency is reported at 12.8%. The Rscript program running should be examined to improve this load inbalance. ### Example of Ansys Fluent (interactively running) ![XDMoD job efficiency an Ansys Fluent](/_static/xdmod_screenshot_ansys.png) This jobs using 5-days of compute wall-time a utilization efficiency of 60.44% is report. The user was probably accessing the interface and adjusting settings during the few drops seen in the graph.